Fair season is upon us again! The Michigan Oakland County fair begins this week and runs for 10 days. We need your prayers!
Inside the box Fair Ministry has been serving since 2008. In it's first summer of service
God brought 527 to His salvation in less than one week! Glory Hallelujah!
Could it truly be that simple, asking people if they want to go to heaven, then telling them the Gospel? The fact of the matter is most people don't know where they will go when they die. Yet, even in this day and age people are still desperate to find out how they can go to heaven.
God has used this ministry to now reach thousands with the gospel. Inside the Box Fair Ministry has now been to over a dozen fairs in multiple states and two countries.
The setup is always the same. Two boxes are there with a viewmaster in the top. By looking into the first box the passer by sees the question, "If you died today are you 100% sure you will go to heaven?" If they are NOT able to positively answer we invite them to look into the second box which has John 14:6 inside.
As of the end of 2011 in just 4 years, God has used this ministry and half a dozen or so churches to bring His salvation to 3765 souls!
It is this ministry's vision to continue to expand through the help of the local Bible Believing and preaching church into more fairs throughout the nation and world.
People need to know the Gospel, they need to know that Christ died for them. We must tell the world there is a way that they may know for sure they will go to heaven. Will you help us? Will you tell them?
If you are interested in evangelizing at a fair in your area, we would love to train you. Please contact us for further information, because the fields are ready for harvest the Lord just needs His servants to reap.