58 more salvations Sunday and Monday brings the total to 190 salvations for four days. There have also been many re-dedications. Several people who were saved previously by our ministry have stopped back by to talk and rededicate. THAT's EXCITING! It tells us that the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives and that our ministry IS making a difference for God's kingdom.
Our traffic has been slower - possibly due to the extreme heat as well as 4 day extension with no large events scheduled until this week. But, God has been faithful. We have been handing out some 'tickets' (business size card) that say "Good for one FREE look in the box." This has been very successful when things are slow. We anticipate more traffic this week, especially on Thurs, Fri, and Saturday.
Keep PRAYING as Satan has been active with many distractions. But we know we're doing a good work for the Lord when Satan is busy. The extreme heat seems to have dissipated, pray that the cooling continues. We have had a good amount of workers, but can use more as the week continues. Contact me or Pastor Jeff if you would like to participate at this fair.
In His Service, Pastor Tom