Pastor Miller at the Boxes at Oakland Co 4H Fair 2012 |
the lives of 551 people.
None of the work done was about promoting any one church or ministry. It was about Souls-Souls-Souls.
We do want to thank the participating churches,
Pastor Jeff Walters, Charity Baptist of Oxford, Mi
Pastor Tom Miller, First General Baptist of Waterford, Mi. for the workers and support from their respective churches. The folks from these churches are messengers of the Lord and diligently doing his work.
We also had Bro. Bob Hollis of BEMA (Baptist Evangelistic Mission Assoc) and Rev. Russ Kidman, missionary to the military.
We set up for the Farmington Hills Founder's Festival on Thursday morning, July 19th. The fair begins Thursday evening and runs through Saturday. Pastor Darrin Lee's church, Cornerstone Baptist is hosting the tent. They had a wonderful first time turnout last year (2011) and saw 226 salvations for only a 2 1/2 day event. Pray that God will do even more this year. Pray for great weather and health for the workers.
Here are some more pictures from this past week at the Oakland Co 4 H Fair. (If you also took pictures we can show please email them to our webmaster at waterfordmiller (at) juno (dot) com.)
Bro. Clifford Wade Inside the Tent
Bro. Dana Babka & Pastor Jeff Walters at the boxes
Bro. Bob Hollis leading a family to the Lord.
Bro. Dana Babka leading a family to the Lord.
Pastor Jeff and 'Paws' who knew the answer to the question!