We need Prayer Warriors!
Commit to pray for our fairs this summer.
Commit to pray so the lost may know.

Friday, April 5, 2013

We Love To Tell The Story...Dominican Republic

This video of our trip to the Dominican Republic shows some of our activities while there.
Thanks to Dr. Thomas Berg, one of the evangelists traveling with us, for putting this together. As Dr. Berg narrates you can get a sense of the blessings and excitement we experienced there.
If the video does not play here click on the direct link   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50o2O6T7mX0
There were 462 salvations as a result of Inside the Box visiting the Dominican.  The blessings we received outnumber the salvations.  Thank you, Lord, for using us.

Thank you again, Dr. Berg, for your time in putting this together.

Friday, February 22, 2013

My Heart's Desire...A Report from the Dominican

L-R:  Rev. Tom Miller (Mich), Rev. Martine (head of the
Cuban Alliance of Baptists)  and Rev. Bob Hollis (Mich)
following their meeting in the Dominican Republic 

Back in November, after buying my ticket to travel to the Dominican Republic, I realized I had a desire to lead someone to the Lord in Spanish. Determined to learn,  I borrowed our school’s copy of Rosetta Stone and began to work an hour a day. I developed a vocabulary, but by the time February rolled around I still didn't have the slightest idea how to even say “where’s the bathroom?” let alone speak the Romans Road

I called a dear friend, Rev. Tom Blossom, who now lives about forty miles north of us and was a missionary to the Dominican for 25 years. I told him about our trip and my desire about being able to lead someone to Christ in Spanish. He said he would try to put something together.  On a Sunday evening about an hour before our worship service and one week before the trip there came a knock on our door. It was Bro. Tom and his wife Stacey.  Their purpose - to give me pointers on leading someone to the Lord in Dominican Spanish.

They came in and we visited and they shared stories about the Dominican and their culture and city and its people.  They attended our worship service and Tom delivered the message and Stacey played piano for our music service. They stayed overnight and the next day I met with Tom for a couple hours while he tutored me.  Needless to say his advice was very good.

He told me the Dominican people are very literate so I could have them read the scripture text rather than for me to memorize it in Spanish, as I had been trying to do.  Next he asked me how I would normally lead someone to the Lord. Using my regular method he was able to tell me what to say in Spanish as I took the person from one verse to the next. He even wrote out the prayer I should say for the person and the prayer they could read and say out loud for repentance.

Saturday,  Feb. 9th,  was our first day on the street in the Dominican and within five minutes all the translators were busy.  God gave me the privilege to lead a husband and wife to the saving grace of Jesús Cristo. They were very patient with me as I used my halting Spanish to explain God’s gift of salvation.

Before our time in the country was over God allowed me to repeat the process 14 more times for a grand total of 16 I was able to lead to the Lord in Spanish. Although I also led others to the Lord in English, and still others through preaching using translators, those smiling faces of that husband and wife will stay with me until I am reunited with them in our eternal glory.

Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Psalm 37:4  

Dios bendiga (God bless you)
Pastor Tom Miller

Thursday, February 21, 2013

God Will Even Use Baseball to Save the Lost

Rev. Tom Miller speaking to a Christian School Class
in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Our group was asked to speak at  several Christian schools during our visit.  Santo Domingo is a city of 4 million.  Most families choose to send their children to private schools because they are superior to the public schools.  Christian schools (with American and Dominican staff) are very popular.  However, even at the Christian schools there are children not 100% sure if they are going to heaven.

Each person on our mission team was asked to speak in a classroom.  Each group saw salvations.  On this morning in particular we praise God that we saw 94 children accept Jesus as their Savior.  

Here is a little of my own experience:

Who is Tigres (Tiger) fan?

I was asked to speak in front of 2 different classes.  This was where being a baseball fan came in handy for me.  Santo Domingo has two professional winter baseball teams,  the Tigres (Tigers) and Leones del Escogido (Chosen Lions).  The first thing I asked was "Who likes football?" (soccer). Three kids raised their hands. Then I asked "who likes baseball?" The whole class raised their hand, some even jumped up.  I then asked a boy what his favorite baseball team was. He said 'the Eagles,' which is a team outside of Santo Domingo.  I asked the class "who likes the Tigres?" All raised their hand, except one boy who was a die hard  Leones fan.  

I  delivered my message about how we are all sinners and  said, "that includes soccer fans, Lion fans, Eagle fans and, yes, even Tiger fans." I gave a simple plan of salvation and told them that Jesus died for " these soccer fans (as I stood near them), the Eagle fan (as I stood next to the seat of the Eagle fan) the Lion fan (as I stood next to the Lion fan), and, yes,  He died for Tiger fans too."   After the message and final prayer there were seventeen children who accepted Jesus as their Savior.    

Rev. Miller in School Classroom in Santo Domingo
God will use our passions, hobbies, and interests to make connections and lead the lost to Him.  Inside the Box always needs workers.   Don't let Satan say you can't lead someone to the Lord.  It is not about what we think we can't do.  It IS about who we are, and how God will use us if we love Him and let Him lead.  If you would like to be part of this exciting ministry please contact us.

Dios bendiga, (God Bless You)
Pastor Tom Miller   revtompastor (@) msn (dot) com

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

In the Dominican "D" Stands for Salvation

 = Salvation  

Today I’ll tell you  the story about the Dominican man wearing a Detroit Tiger baseball t-shirt with the Old English "D."  When he looked inside the box that asked the question, "If you were to die today are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?"  he said he knew he needed to get saved but 'wasn’t ready.' Just like the man I wrote about yesterday, God provided me with a connection.  

The streets of Santa Domingo where we witnessed.
I looked at him and asked, “do you know where I am from?” 

Of course he said “no.” With that I took my finger and traced the "D" on his chest and said,  Detroit, Michigan."

His mouth opened so wide I think a truck could have driven through it.  I then said through our translator, “Do you think God would have sent me to Santo Domingo, to the very beach where you would be wearing a Detroit Tiger baseball shirt if He didn’t want you to get saved today?"

As his eyes filled with tears he simply shook his head.  Through God's use of an Old English "D" this man was ready for salvation and accepted the Lord.

Iglesia Bautista Cristian Sunday Worship Service
A video of part of our trip and Saturday's revival by the ocean side should be available the first part of next week as well as more pictures and testimonies from our other Mission Team members.

Dios bendiga (God Bless You)
Pastor Tom Miller

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Over 460 Salvations in the Dominican Republic

All the Mission Team Members & Bus Driver
having Lunch in the Dominican
We've returned from the Dominican and there are so many stories to tell. I'd like each member of our mission team to share some memories here. There were over 460 salvations during the 10 days we were there. We all have pictures to share  and even a video so those will be forthcoming.

Today I'll start with one of my more memorable one-on-one moments when we were on the street evangelizing.

A middle-aged man in Santo Domingo told me he knew he needed to be saved, but was not ready for it.  I looked the man in the eye, put my hand on his chest over his heart and told him, "The Lord has sent me all the way from Detroit, Michigan, USA,  to tell you about Jesus and what you need to do to be saved."

As I spoke these words and the translator translated,  I could actually feel his heart begin to speed up, and I said to him, "Do you not think Jesus wants you to be saved today?"  He lowered his head and simply said, "Si," and accepted Jesus as his savior.

Rev. Tom Miller Preaching at the school
at Iglesia Bautista Cristian
Praise God for his working through our hands and hearts!

Just also want to thank all the team members.  Sorry, I don't have some of the last names, but our mission team consisted of 5 pastors, Bob Hollis (Holly, Mi) and Tom Miller (Waterford, Mi) Tom Berg (Maryland), Richard Stimson (S. Carolina), and Richard Blue (Fenton, Mi); 3 lay people: Dana Babka (Waterford, MI)  Skip (Waterford, Mi), and Mark (Mt. Pleasant, Mi); and 3 Midwestern Baptist students:  James, Susannah and Ruthie.  The devotion and diligence and sacrifice of this team allowed us to see miracles happen in the souls of the Dominicans.

More stories to come, I'm going to spend some time now with 'mi esposa.'

Dios bendiga!  (God bless you)
Pastor Tom Miller

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Getting Ready To Leave the Dominican

The people are hungry for the Word.

One more church service tonight.  Packing and getting up about 3 am to be to the airport by 4 am.  Our group is leaving in two different time frames.  College students will not leave until afternoon tomorrow.

Stories and events from this week are almost overwhelming the emotions we have so many to tell.    The hospitality has been wonderful.  It is obvious that the Lord needs workers here.  Yesterday with only 30 people we had 158 saved.  If we had 120 like the time of Pentecost we could have seen 3000 saved.  The fields are white to harvest. They are plentiful. Lord send more workers.

Pray for our group as we  travel home.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Two Hours - 158 Salvations

Dominican Update:   These are only highlights and snippets of the events.  When the team returns we will be asking them  to share more of the actual stories with you.

Day 5 & 6 (Tuesday & Wednesday)  ministering and showing the box at the Christian schools.  The majority of the students are not Christians, however.   There were over 140 students who accepted the Lord in two days.

Day 7:  (Thursday) A little time for sightseeing and then on to another church in San Cristobal. (Long bumpy ride)

Day 8:  (Friday) A slower day trying to get translators, sitting on bus waiting for a long time.  15 salvations.  The churches visited are in some of the poorest, crime ridden areas.  (While they were speaking there was a rat that ran across one of the wires.)

According to one of the pastors this area is hungry for the Lord, their hearts are ready.  He said it is like the time of Pentecost.  These are a religious people - but they don't have the whole story....they are ripe and ready for the saving truth of God's word.

Today-Day 9 (Saturday)  the mission team did a video presentation and a question and answer period following. While the presentation was going on a mom whose child was saved the day before at the school came in.  One of the local men went up to her and asked her to look in the box and they were able to lead her to the Lord.

Apx. 30 people went down with the mission team to the ocean side.  The mission team members were partnered with a translator and a local.  At one time there were 15 people waiting to look in the box.  The team was running up and down the area, answering questions  and then sending the translator out with a local to be a new team.  In only 2 hours, 158 salvations took place.   PRAISE God for his presence and faithfulness.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  We will be speaking  3 times at churches again.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

131 Salvations in 3 Days in Dominican Republic

The Lord is opening hearts and doors in the Dominican Republic.

Day 1:  Friday was the arrival in late afternoon. Flights were delayed some due to snowstorms.
Day 2:  Saturday morning - meetings after breakfast. Afternoon was a trip to the marketplace.  52 Salvations as the mission team ministered on the streets of Santo Domingo.
Day 3:  Sunday was church and doing an evening presentation of Inside the box.  Over 60 people came forward desiring to learn how to work the box.
Day 4:  Monday - Ministering at the local school.  50+ were saved.

According to the team - more souls could be saved with more translators.

God is doing wonderful work and opening doors to NEXT year already.  Possibly Cuba.

Continue to pray for the ministry team as they work through the language barriers.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Inside the Box Goes International

     Our mission team begins their first full day in the Dominican Republic.  After some delays yesterday due to the storms in the Midwest and East coast  11 members* landed safely in the Dominican around 5:00 p.m.   Our Inside the Box team includes 5 pastors, 3 Midwestern Baptist college students and 3 lay people.*   They begin the outreach today.

     The team will be traveling from Santo Domingo, to San Cristobal and surrounding countryside.  There are several local churches and pastors who are hosting Inside the Box.  Also a special Youth meeting is planned for this evening.  In the days to come our mission team will be training local pastors how to use Inside the Box to lead people to Christ.

       Apx. $1500 was needed to finance each person making the trip.  Many fundraisers helped to meet the expenses for the ministry team. Congregations helped to make this possible through their prayers and donations.  One pastor even ran his first 5k race with pledges of nearly $400 made toward the trip.

The Boxes
    As our ministry has grown over 6000 souls in four states have accepted Jesus in their hearts. Now God has provided the means to go international. Last year the groundwork was laid in the Dominican Republic by Rev. Bob Hollis and Baptist Evangelistic Mission Association (BEMA) to meet with local pastors and establish connections to prepare for this trip. 

     "and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8

     Please pray for our ministry team (and their families), for the local host pastors, those who will be in training and for hearts to be open to receive the Good News.  Pray also that any language barrier will be bridged through the use of the translators and the Holy Spirit.

*For safety reasons we will not disclose individual names while the members are away.